User Actors
What are User Actors?
User actors are important to bring order to your Isadora patch. They help organize your patch and think about your program in order of modules. You can compare it with function/object based programming. You can put user actors inside useract6ors but be careful.
- Build up slowly and add inputs/outputs as needed
- You can label your inputs/outputs to know hat they are
- You can lable you useractor so you know what it does
- Inputs/Outputs are Mutable and you san set the type
- You can change the sequence of your userActor inputs/outputs
- There is a difference between UserActors and Macro's
Practie Assignment
Step 1:
Create a small visual interesting looping animation
Step 2:
Put this animation into a user actor.
Think about which inputs/outputs you need with the user actor
Step 3:
Create a scene with a couple instances of the user actor.