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Video Effects general

Screenshot 2023-08-30 at 11.20.47.png


About Video Effects

Isadora has many already buit-in video effect with which you can experiment. Do not be afraid to play with the different parameters and experiment as much as possible. At the Isadora site in the "Addons" section you can find many moore effects. Also the forum of the Isadora site is a good source for tips&tricks.


  • Play with the different parameters and combine different video effects for unexpected results.
  • Try to use effects in different sequences to create other effects
  • Every video effects actor has an "bypass" input that you can turn ON to not use the effect this way you cna better see what does what.
  • Make yourself familiar with what all the actors do to better get an overview of what is possible


Make a tryptich using your own chosen theme. Use a single movieclip and create a composition using different video effects and movie players. Choose one clip form Pexels as inspiration.