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Motion Tracking

Screenshot 2023-08-30 at 11.42.31.png


Motion Tracking

Using a (web) camera as live video input in Isadora gives you a lot of possiblities for interaction. You can make reactive visuals that "listen" to what happens in front of the camera in many different ways. It is quite a complex and often unstable topic, but very interesting.

Tips & Tricks

  • Light is very important! If you change you lightsettings you need to re-callibrate.
  • If you do not want to be dependend on natural light you can use an camera with a visible light filter and infrared lights.
  • Experiment and try! Motion tracking can be instable so embrace the chaos and keep trying.
  • You can use camera tracking as a motion detector or as a "is there someone present" sensor. Meaning you can make it so simple or complicated as you want.

Practic Assignment

Make viusuals that responds to a live video source.