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A laser for light shows, commonly known as a "show laser," is specifically designed to create visually stunning effects for ent...

360 Degrees Video

This book is about the different possibilities of 360 Degrees video and the different cameras you can use.

3D depth camera's

In this book you can find different sources and tutorials concerning the use of 3D depth camera's like Kinect (360, v1 and v2),...

3D printen

Hier vind je informatie die je kan gebruiken om met de 3D printers aan de slag te kunnen.Maak je 3D model in het programma waar...

Adobe Tutorials for Fashion

Pattern Design in Illustrator

Arduino things!

This book is a short introduction to working with Arduino microcontrollers and various sensors. The subject on this is very bro...

Artificial Intelligence

Kunstmatige intelligentie (KI) is een interdisciplinair onderwerp dat de afgelopen jaren sterk is gegroeid en waarvan de impact...

Audio hardware & software

This book contains general information about hard- and software.

Bare Conductive

Manuals and howtos for the Bare Conductive touch board

Bio Data Sonification using MIDI

This book is about how to use the SPAD ELECTRONICS Biodatasonification field diy kit. Learn how to make music with organic inpu...


De huidige problematiek rondom de ecologische crisis komt voor een belangrijk deel uit het gebrek aan luisteren naar de ander /...

Biosafety protocols, techniques and tools

This book serves as a reminder of the rules, techniques and tools you will need to work safely and hygienically in the HKU Biol...

BrightSign Mediaplayers

Notes on basic setup of using BrightSign media players for creating standalone media projects, or use in more complex setups su...

Cables, connectors and converters

Here you can find information about common and uncommon connectors used in the workshop and beyond and how to tidy up cables wh...

Controlling Lights

How to control lights using the free software QLC+, Resolume or other software and hardware devices

Controlling Lights (2)

How to control lights using consoles, software, apps etc... Of course this bookstack is under construction, more items will be...

CT Visie

Hoe kunnen we redeneren over creatief met technologie (CT) zijn. Hoe kunnen we redeneren over wat je maakt met technologie. We ...

Demo's & Carousels

This book contains a repository of different set-ups used for educative demo's and carousels. It give's workshop educators and ...