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Arduino things!

This book is a short introduction to working with Arduino microcontrollers and various sensors. The subject on this is very broad, but this book is hopefully a short introduction to get you exited to work with electronics.

Arduino Introduction

What is Arduino? Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware ...

Arduino - Grove Sensor Kit

Another approach is to buy a Grove Sensorboard online or rent one at the Blackbox/Uitleen IBB and...

Motion Tracking with Sensors for Microcontrollers

Research by Blackbox into various sensors that can used with microcontrollers to track persons, o...

Controlling LEDstrips with Arduino

LED Strips and Arduino With the Adafruit Neopixel library, it is very easy to work with controll...

Arduino Simple Serial communication with multiple values

Sending values from an Arduino to a computer can sometimes be a bit daunting... Sending only one ...

Arduino script to Control LED strip via wifi

Dit is een scriptje om een ESP8266 arduino module te verbinden met wifi (via een wifimanager / ho...

UltraSonic of PIR sensor Arduino & Touchdesigner

Deze manual werkt voor PIR (passive infrared) bewegings sensor en ook voor de Ultrasonic sensor ...

Learning & understanding Arduino through helpful projects

There are tutorials on most anything out there!below is a selection of websites to make coding & ...


Here you will find some suggestions for Arduino books Getting started with Arduino: https://...

LiDAR with Arduino - TF-Luna Sensor

Als je iets anders wilt dan Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 kwa afstand namelijk meer afstand met minde...

Touch (knock) sensor with Piezo

If you want to make a simple touch sensor but you don't have the fancy ones around you can also u...

Grove - Ear-clip Heart Rate Sensor

Info & Arduino code