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Types of Depth camera's & alternatives for position tracking
At HKU we have most of these camera's available. Inform about the possibilities at the Blackbox ...
Oak D
Unleash Your Creativity with Oak-D and TouchDesigner see bottom of the page for tutorials & setu...
Touchdesigner .tox for various fixtures
DMX Config TOX Example fixtures 5 channels: IntensityRedGreenBlueStrobe E...
awesome-ndi (gihub resource) Network Device Interface is a royalty-free software...
What is NDI?
NDI (Network Device Interface) is a technology developed by NewTek that allows video, audio...
Kinect In Touchdesigner
Using any Kinect in Touchdesigner op PC is plug & play after you've installed the right drivers &...
Check our this dudes tutorial: Select the right type of driver for your kinect. Download & in...
Connector types
This page gives an overview of different categories and types of connectors with a short descript...
Arduino Introduction
What is Arduino? Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware ...
Controlling LEDstrips with Arduino
LED Strips and Arduino With the Adafruit Neopixel library, it is very easy to work with controll...
LiDAR with Arduino - TF-Luna Sensor
Als je iets anders wilt dan Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 kwa afstand namelijk meer afstand met minde...
Materiaalkunde, online materiaalbanken
Future Materials Bank - De Future Materials Bank is een online archi...
DIY projects https://w...
smart LED string & app (phone)
At the BBox Jk you can borrow LED strings that connect to a powerbank through USBThe lights (5/10...
A piece of hardware to control your fixtures/daisychain through USB.HKU students can borrow this ...
Isadora button (arduino)
Dit zijn aantekeningen, moet nog omgezet worden in een mooi verslag Arduino code: #define B...
WLED is one of the most popular packages for controlling LED strips with, or example, the WS2812B...
AI woordenlijst
Een verzameling AI-jargon om je op weg te helpen! Algoritme Een set instructies of regels op b...
Using BrightSign as a super simple player for HD video
Brightsign Record your video edit it if necessary, export as Mp4 Full HD resolution F...
Creating and controlling DMX fixtures from Resolume using ArtNet
Bookstack under construction! ArtNet Devices supported by Resolume Resolume Arena 6 and up do n...