Listed below is all the known content in the system that links to this item.
Gazebo OSC
OSC Open Sound Control
Gazebo OSC is a tool developed bij HKU Look up info in it's own book here: https://bookstack.hku...
Interactive "painting" controlled with OSC data from phone to Isadora
Demo's & Carousels
Description: A set-up with an interactive "painting" and light fixture named "Van Gogh heeft een...
OSC apps
OSC Open Sound Control
On mobile: ZIGSIM : the app that allows you to send all the sensor data from your phone to...
3D depth camera's
MediaPipe is a cross platform Framework for building machine learning pipelines for processing ti...
Using Motive and GazeboOSC for realtime OSC messages
Optitrack and Motive motion capture system
The following tutorial explains the use of Motive with Gazebo for sending real-time Mocap data to...