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16 total results found


Artificial Intelligence

Atlas of AI - Kate Crawford A history of the data on which machine-learning systems are trained through a number of dehumanizing extractive practices, of which most of us are unaware. In Atlas of AI: Power, Politics, and the Planetary Costs of Artificial I...

Use the Pico as Keyboard/Mouse input (DIY Makey Makey)

Raspberry Pi Pico Tutorials

Want to have some quick button/mouse inputs to add interactivity to your setup? For prototyping this is often done by using a Makey Makey. But the board's quite expensive, and not incredibly versatile. Luckily you can build a very similar input device using a ...

Edit code, use as Isadora input, factory reset

Bare Conductive

Factory reset and editing the code If you've changed the code of the Touch board, you receive it with a different code installed, or want to edit the workings of the board, check this tutorial. Following the exact steps as described will result in a factory r...

Arduino script to Control LED strip via wifi

Arduino things!

Dit is een scriptje om een ESP8266 arduino module te verbinden met wifi (via een wifimanager / hotspot) en zichzelf aan te bieden als ArtNetNode (wanneer de software dit ondersteunt). fijn script, werkt goed, wel even concentreren op de nodige libraries om te ...

UltraSonic of PIR sensor Arduino & Touchdesigner

Arduino things!

Deze manual werkt voor PIR (passive infrared) bewegings sensor en ook voor de Ultrasonic sensor Beschrijving PIR sensor (Duits)

Kombucha DIY


Do you want to get started with fermentation but no idea how? Use a tasty drink as an incentive and try brewing you own Kombucha with the Kombucha Starter Kit By Hazal Ateş Kombucha is a super healthy fermented drink made from sweetened tea and a SCOBY (Sym...

Driving APA102 (Dotstar) LED strips with Pico

Raspberry Pi Pico Tutorials

The Dotstar LEDs (APA102) are similar to the NeoPixels but with less timing requirements and other issues. You control them with two pins instead of one, and they seem to be a bit less widely used probably because they're more expensive than the Neopixel ones....

Running generative models locally

Artificial Intelligence

All the big models run on external servers and are usually only available through a (paid) account. There are some alternatives available that you can run locally on your own machine. Installing these usually involves complex installation procedures, but there...

ChatGPT in Onderwijs

Artificial Intelligence Quickstart guides

Please note that this quickstart does not deal with the question of whether you SHOULD be using generative AI in your processes. These quickstarts are part of our own sessions in which we make this an integral part of the discussion and process. Aan de slag m...

Beeld genereren in een creatief proces

Artificial Intelligence Quickstart guides

Please note that this quickstart does not deal with the question of whether you SHOULD be using generative AI in your processes. These quickstarts are part of our own sessions in which we make this an integral part of the discussion and process. Aan de slag m...

Tekstmodellen inzetten in professionalisering

Artificial Intelligence Quickstart guides

Please note that this quickstart does not deal with the question of whether you SHOULD be using generative AI in your processes. These quickstarts are part of our own sessions in which we make this an integral part of the discussion and process. Aan de slag m...

Bewegend beeld genereren (text-to-video)

Artificial Intelligence Quickstart guides

Please note that this quickstart does not deal with the question of whether you SHOULD be using generative AI in your processes. These quickstarts are part of our own sessions in which we make this an integral part of the discussion and process. Aan de slag m...

Welcome to HKU Bookstack!


This Bookstack is maintained by employees of HKU University of the Arts in the Netherlands. It aims to be a public knowledge base that we can use to share knowledge that we develop in our activities. You can find all topics through the Search bar up top, or th...

Making music with AI

Artificial Intelligence Quickstart guides

Please note that this quickstart does not deal with the question of whether you SHOULD be using generative AI in your processes. These quickstarts are part of our own sessions in which we make this an integral part of the discussion and process. AI & Music A...

Combining micro:bit with BYOR for easy in-out


BYOR is a small board that converts analog inputs to analog outputs but also powers sensors and actuators. Combined with a micro:bit it becomes a programmable input-output system that can power servos and small motors, as well as lights and sound for interacti...

Hoe werkt generatieve AI?

Artificial Intelligence

Een zeer uitgebreid overzicht AI tools en achtergronden vind je hier. Generatieve AI Generatieve AI is een vorm van kunstmatige intelligentie die nieuwe gegevens kan maken op basis van een model dat getraind is op een (grote) dataset. Die nieuwe gegevens kun...