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Edit code, use as Isadora input, factory reset

Factory reset and editing the code

If you've changed the code of the Touch board, you receive it with a different code installed, or want to edit the workings of the board, check this tutorial. Following the exact steps as described will result in a factory reset and the board will run the original code.

Bare Conductive as touch input for other devices

If you want to use the Bare Conductive board as a touch input for a different device (such as your pc), check the ECT Github.

Bare Conductive as touch input in Isadora

If you want to use the BC board as touch input in Isadora, check the ECT Github under bareConductiveDemo.izz.

If you want to use the Bare Conductive in Isadora an dyou know it already has the right arduino file follow these instructions:

1. Go to:
2. Click on the green "<> Code" button and then on "Download ZIP."
3. Unzip the file, and inside the folder, you'll find "bareConductiveDemo.izz." This is the file you'll be working with.

4. Connect the Bare Conductive to your computer. You'll need a USB cable, which unfortunately is still not included with the two boards that are on JBP.

5. There's a slider/button on the Bare Conductive to turn it on. Use it to power up the board; a light will come on.

6. In Isadora, go to "Communication" -> "Serial Port Setup..." Under Port 1, select the appropriate device. On OSX, it's called usbmodem41223 or something similar; on Windows, it might be COM3 or another number.

7. Click "Ok."

8. Next, go to "Communication" and click on "Enable Serial Ports." If everything is set up correctly, a second light on the board should start blinking, and you'll see numbers coming into Isadora as the values change when you touch the contact points on the board with your finger.

9. There's also a reset button on the Bare Conductive. Use it after connecting new wires/foil/conductive materials to the Bare Conductive.