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What is MIDI?

MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a technical standard that describes a communications protocol, digital interface, and electrical connectors that connect a wide variety of electronic musical instruments, computers, and related audio devices for playing, editing, and recording music. wikipedia


  • Actors with the word "watcher" are used to watch or listen for hardware inputs. Use the Note On wathcer and Control Watcher to see which button does what on your midi device.
  • To set-up your midi-input/output go to "Communications"and then midi-setup
  • Each MIDI port can transmait or receive up to 16 channels each channel you can send various messages. The three most common ones are note off/on and the control change.
  • Each note has a pitch between 0-127 and a velocity between 0-127


Create a drummahine where you cmbine sound and visuals. Choose which sample to paly with which button and make a small animation for each button/sample. For inspiration look here