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Download free, royalty free & copyright free materials to use in your projects

Of course you know how to rip content sites but as an (upcoming) artist it's good practise to be aware of copyright. Doing so honours innovation, creativity and thinking outside of the box. By acknowledging that an innovator owns their ideas, people show respect for the courage and insight it takes to come up with something that is truly new. Honouring copyright is a way of saying that people admire someone who can create new ideas. You'd like people to do the same for you, right?

Of course in you own work it's always best to create your own content & footage. But no everyone is an Uomo Universalis, having a great eye for photography doesn't make you a musician ;) Also, for prototyping or building an experience you may need quick content to be able to focus on other parts of your project.

So here are some links to sites with free, royalty free & copyright free materials to use in your projects