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OSC apps

On mobile:

zigsim.pngZIGSIM : the app that allows you to send all the sensor data from your phone to your computer

IOS Only
TouchOSC+Editor.pngTouchOSC : draw custom controls (sliders, knobs, buttons etc) on your phone/tablet to send osc to your computer 
Not a free app but worth it! 
There are various templates to connect to specific apps, search online
tbd facecap tbd protokol




OSC Controller

(android only)

Very worthy alternative to TouchOSC, Free, android Only  



MrMr OSC Controller
( is an ongoing research project to develop a standardized set of protocols and syntax conventions to control live installations and multimedia performances via mobile devices. 


Gazebo is an node based OSC tool developed by HKU; the Swiss armyknife for OSC data and OSC capable programs. 
Chataigne is a free, open-source software made with one goal in mind : create a common tool for artists, technicians and developers who wish to use technology and synchronize software for shows, interactive installations or prototyping.
It aims to be as simple as possible for basic interactions, but can be easily extended to create complex interactions.
Resolume Arena is an instrument for VJs, AV performers and video artists.
Over OSC you can control every aspect of Resolume. 
Pure Data

TouchDesigner supports OSC through four operators: the OSC In CHOP and OSC Out CHOP that receive and send CHOP channels, and the OSC In DAT and OSC Out DAT that receive/send OSC as messages that can be interpreted with python.
Isadora Max Msp Open Stage Control
Open Stage Control is a desktop OSC bi-directional control surface application. It's built on web technologies and run as an Electron web server that accepts any number of clients.
Free Open Source