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What is Gazebo?

Gazebo is a node based programming environment used to connect different hardware and software using the OSC protocol. It is an easy way to receive data from different sources on one central computer and then forward it to as many other OSC devices you want.

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  • You can use Gazebo to receive Optitrack NATNET motion capture data and convert it to OSC data that you can send to any OSC capable device/program on the network to any OSC capable device/program on the network (windows only)
  • You can use Gazebo to receive data from HTC VIVE Trackers using the vive system and send this dat as OSC data 
  • You can use Gazebo to receive MIDI data and convert it to OSC data that you can send to any OSC capable device/program on the network
  • You can control DMX light form OSC
  • You can play modfiles (audio) that send OSC events based on the music.
  • You can create your own Gazebo actors in Python to do different things with data