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Digital Designers/Artists/Brands

Studio Scarlett Yang demonstrates an acute awareness of the inherent challenges posed by the fashion industry and consumer culture. Its purpose is to reinvent design, manufacturing, materials, and consumption, while showcasing unseen beauty.

Costas focuses on identifying novel ways through which game engine technology, 3D design, and XR can reshape the way fashion and art content is disseminated. His work lies at the intersection between fashion media production, visual communication, and computer science. Through his deep understanding of immersive technologies and experience working across collaborative digital fashion projects, Costas provides insight into the delivery and development of these projects from conception to realisation.

Taskin Goec: Mixed Reality Fashion Designer based in London/Berlin

Marilene Oliver: An Artist who works at a crossroads between new digital technologies, traditional print and sculpture, her finished objects bridgen the virtual and the real worlds. Oliver uses various scanning technologies to reclaim the interior of the body and create artworks that invite us to contemplatie our increasingly digital selves.

Damara Inglês is a Metaverse Designer and Strategist, focused on Digital Fashion and Immersive experiences.
Damara Ingles.png

The notion of identity has evolved. There is no longer a line between the physical and digital ‘us’. We make NEXTWEAR: looking to the future of fashion, aesthetically, in terms of technology and in terms of sustainability. We create digital counterparts to our physical fashion, to be experienced in-game, in AR, VR and across the metaverse.