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Multichannel audio in Isadora and Reaper

With Isadora you have control over your interactive performance with audio over 2 channels or more. You can work with this Isadora example file and audio files:

here is a usefull tutorial about working with multichannel audio in Isadora:

In Reaper (audo software or DAW) you can prepare your audio file with multiple channels if you want to use your audio file in a conventional way by playing linear from start to finish or looping it. This should also be possible in other DAW's. Each channel can send your audio to a different speaker depending on your setup you can work with a 2, 4, 8 etc speakers.

Make a mutichannel audio file in reaper:

READ this first!

Mac only!

Download and install BlackHole audio plugin

You need tisthis to create virtual outputs so you can create multichannel audio files in Reaper (or any other audio edit software) without having aan actual multichannel setup at hand.

Restart your computer Open your audio edit software (Reaper) Go to preferences and go to Audio > Device, choose BlackHole 46ch in your Audio Device settings

This is created by Simone, for questions: